The singer, actress Le Kieu Nhu is going to publish her own book, which is named "The Chain". She said it's somehow like a diary of her own. It talks about sex life of an young couple. The husband is impotent after the acident which made their sexlife unsatified. Howerver, I want to draw your attention to her nude photo album first. Let's see.
The nude pictures of hot girl Minh Hang has been the hot topic and most searched in the Internet these days in Vietnam. It began on the April Fool day so everyone thought it was a joke. However, Minh Hang confirmed that she the girl in these pictures. She took the pictures on the occasion of her birthday but did not share them with anyone. She is surprised that someone has them. Moreover, in recent days, a teen threatened to circulate her ten-minute nude clip. It's not clear the clip exist or not. Let's wait and see.